I'm deadly bored now. I don't know what to do next. I'm interested in nothing suddenly. I don't know why. I don't want to do homework,read,draw,watch TV even surf the Internet. I feel I'm in great emptiness and I can't control anything besides myself.Oh My God!
I checked my E-mail many times but it always showed "0 Unread Messages".It seemed all of my penpals and classmates were disappeared at the same time.I went to the library just like what I did everyday before,but today I couldn't find any seats.Therefore I had to come back home much earlier than before.I turned on TV,but nothing I enjoyed.The only one I liked had already finished.What happened?At this moment,I feel the world is so strange that I haven't seen.
What a terrible day!!I'm looking forward to a new day.Today mades me disappointed so much!
6 条评论:
Hi, I really like your blog!
Do you mind if I put a link to it on my blog?
Never mind..
Are you R.I's friend,Kiki?
I feel like that too, sometimes.
Ooo, I'll write you an email now :D
I've been caught up in things too. Life is like that at times. Oh well...
Ya, ya, Keeks is ma fwend, homie.
^Gangsta talk^
Hi Joyce. Yes, Random Irregular and I are friends.
Hey, BEST FRIENDS dude!And you too oyce, are my bestest penpal friend!!